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checkResult(int) - Static method in class jcuda.jnpp.JNpp
If the given result is a NppStatus that indicates an error and exceptions have been enabled, this method will throw a CudaException with an error message that corresponds to the given result code.
checkResult(T) - Static method in class jcuda.jnpp.JNpp
If the given result is null and exceptions are enabled, then this method will throw a CudaException with an error message stating that a memory allocation failed.
classifiers - Variable in class jcuda.jnpp.NppiHaarClassifier_32f
packed classifier data//40bytes each
classifierSize - Variable in class jcuda.jnpp.NppiHaarClassifier_32f
classifierStep - Variable in class jcuda.jnpp.NppiHaarClassifier_32f
counterDevice - Variable in class jcuda.jnpp.NppiHaarClassifier_32f